It’s important to know what your coverage includes in case of emergencies while on the road. Anything can happen, so being prepared for any scenario is essential. The last thing you want is to find yourself stranded with no way to call for help. Even if a call centre is ready to assist, a lack of phone service could leave you in a tough spot. Fortunately, there are reliable solutions available to keep you connected no matter where you are. We take a look at the options that can help you stay in touch when it matters most.

We make Caravan Insurance simple

Reporting a claim

Unexpected hurdles can disrupt even the most solid travel plans. We’re here to get you back on the road sooner with our nationwide network of expert repairers and claims assessors.

CIL Campsite

Campsite is perfect for anyone interested in the caravanning and RV lifestyle. It includes directories, things to see and do, product information, and even travel and towing tips.

Give us a call

Our friendly call centre staff are happy to help!