Make a Claim

It’s quick, simple & convenient. You can lodge your claim online, 24 hours, 7 days a week.

We make Caravan Insurance simple

Find my policy

To assist making a claim have your policy number ready. Simply click on Find my policy, enter your details and we'll send you an email with your policy number.

Claims assistance

If you need to make a new claim, we are available 24/7.

If you would like to enquire about an existing claim, our Claims Enquiries team is available

Monday to Friday 8am - 7pm AEDT

Saturday and Sunday 8am - 5pm AEDT

Give us a call

Our friendly call centre staff are happy to help!

Tips on making a claim

Avoid any discussions with the witnesses or any other party involved in the accident about who is responsible.

Obtain the other party’s details i.e. name, address, driver’s license number, registration number and also the same details for any witnesses.

Contact the police to attend the scene of the accident if applicable.