Tiny houses Australia

Tiny Houses Australia in an online community where people can discover how “Going Tiny” can have a big impact on their lives.

Imagine having no mortgage, no personal debt, minimal stress, and financial freedom to do what you love and to spend time with those that mean the most to you. This is not just a pipe dream, it IS possible and people around Australia and all over the world are doing just that!

“T.H.A” is a place where people can discover, learn, be educated and inspired about how a simple life can actually be a happier and more rewarding life. The community began back in April 2013 at a time when there was very little information about Tiny Houses here in Australia.

It has since grown to become a leading online presence within the Tiny House community worldwide. With over 40,000 followers of our Facebook page (Tiny Houses Australia), and almost 9,000 Aussies in our Facebook Group, this community has become a place where those interested in living a simpler, more sustainable way of life can connect with others who share the same ideals.

Tiny Houses Australia run a number of regular social events, including monthly meet ups, drinks and annual camps. We also run Tiny House Building Skills Workshops and sell custom built trailers to help those wanting to build their own Tiny House on Wheels.

Visit www.tinyhousesaustralia.com or the Tiny Houses Australia Facebook page for more information.

CIL’s specialist caravan insurance policy can provide comprehensive cover for your Tiny House on Wheels and its contents. Call 1800 112 481 for a quote or online to www.cilinsurance.com.au.

We make Caravan Insurance simple

Reporting a claim

Unexpected hurdles can disrupt even the most solid travel plans. We’re here to get you back on the road sooner with our nationwide network of expert repairers and claims assessors.

CIL Campsite

Campsite is perfect for anyone interested in the caravanning and RV lifestyle. It includes directories, things to see and do, product information, and even travel and towing tips.

Give us a call

Our friendly call centre staff are happy to help!